Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why creative people need to create

People who know me well know that I am not doing anybody any favors when I am not writing creatively on a regular basis. Which is to say, I am not my best self at those times.

There is a certain feeling that comes over a creative person, whatever kind of artist they are, who is not making the time and space in their life for creativity. My artist friends, as well as my artist clients, have described it to me again and again. It may not be an identical feeling,but the idea of loss, lack, and absence is there. Something is missing, and the artist has lost their emotional or mental equilibrium as a result.

For me personally, the experience feels a lot like loneliness.

When I am lonely, I feel separate and apart, disconnected from people. When I'm not creating, I feel, interestingly enough, disconnected from my own self.

Growing up, I saw creative pursuits as leisure activities, or, for a lucky few, a vocation. As an adult, I have learned much about how central creative writing, and to a lesser extent other artistic pursuits, really is to my identity. Now, I know that it is an important part of my self-care. That to abandon or neglect my writing is to abandon and neglect myself.

So here's to everyone who feels not just the desire, but the need, to write, paint, dance, make music. Know that it's alright to make doing that thing a priority. Know that we artists of all kinds are simply our better selves when we do exactly that.

1 comment:

  1. So true, Susan. I'm trying to do a better job of overall self-care. That has to include daily writing.
